Over Memorial Day weekend, Meghann and I went on a little road trip, starting in Seattle, heading south to Portland for some dining and shopping, followed by wine on our way west to the Oregon Coast, finishing off with a snow-covered hike on Mount Rainier before heading back up to Seattle. We packed in a ton over the course of just a few days and had the best time!
I would highly recommend all of our destinations - there are easy day hikes around Cannon Beach, the wine (and views! And food!) at both Soter and Sokol Blosser vineyards was amazing and even just the drive up to the visitor's center on Mount Rainier is worth it. I've been to the Pacific Northwest a bunch of times but even with some crummy late spring weather, it was so fun to see new places and things. After this trip I am dying to hike Mount Katahdin, fingers crossed that happens this summer!
Apparently I took zero pictures of the famous Haystack Rock - you'll have to visit yourself to see how incredible it is. Enjoy a few faves from the weekend!